Bloomfield Health



Lorraine Orders

Senior Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist

I am an accredited Cognitive behavioural therapist and registered Counsellor. Over the past twelve years I have worked internationally in a variety of services providing teenagers, university students, adults and older adults with mental health support. I have a master’s degree in counselling and a post-graduate diploma in cognitive-behavioural therapy from the University of Oxford. I am a member of both British Association for Behavioural and Cognitive Psychotherapy and the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. I offer an empathetic, warm and collaborative approach to help clients understand their difficulties and develop strategies to overcome them, ultimately leading to an enhanced sense of wellbeing. I have a particular interest and proficiency in complex presentations using schema-focused CBT which explores people’s “inner world” constructs and the impact this has on people in the here and now. With this understanding, CBT aims to change long-standing unhelpful patterns of coping and build a more helpful approach to living.

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