Bloomfield Health



Dr Alister Baird

Mental Health Scientist

I am passionate about making tangible real-world improvements to the lives of individuals with mental health difficulties via the design of novel digital psychological tools. I initially studied journalism before completing a master’s degree in psychology. I have previously worked as a researcher in large psychiatric genetic phenotyping studies at Cardiff University. I also have practical experience of supporting individuals with a range of complex mental health needs. I am currently completing a PhD at University College London exploring how neurodiverse children’s physical environment influences their socio-emotional development. I bring a wide range of relevant expertise to the research and development of Uvia including; experimental research project management, teaching, grant proposal formulation, public engagement, epidemiological statistics, science communication, risk management, and large-scale evidence synthesis. I also have a keen interest in cognitive neuroscience and incorporating artificial intelligence and machine learning into psychological therapeutics.

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